Callan Family Office and Callan LLC Fourth Quarter Perspectives



As Nassim Taleb said in his book Antifragile, “Invest in preparedness, not in prediction.” In 2023, his comments could not have been more fitting. It would have been convenient to align with the widespread cynical views to start the year, but investing in-line with those dire predictions would have proven costly. Robust economic and financial market results would prove to be a surprise to most, but reality no less.

As we navigate 2024, preparedness will remain essential and so too is a long-term perspective that helps avoid reacting to the short-term vagaries markets can demonstrate. We will also continue to make data-rich decisions that has us consider a broad range of viewpoints. For the latter, one such view comes from our insightful partners at Callan, LLC, and you can read their latest investor perspective.


For our latest economic and market insights as well as Callan LLC’s quarterly perspective, download our latest report.


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